Sunday, August 3, 2008

Moving Home!!!

Hey everyone I know it has been ages since I have last blogged. I have been very busy with wrapping up the GL year. I am officially done with GL. The students graduated two weeks ago. I have had an incredible year with the six girls. My last three years have been marvelous! Then I worked at a Microsft conference this last week. So now my new focus is moving home to Roseburg,Oregon.
These next few weeks I will be very busy working for a friend of mine who is having a wedding at their home. So I will be working at her house every day until I leave. Which brings me to my move home date. I WILL BE MOVING HOME AUGUST 24Th!!!!!!
I am excited to be moving home and getting connected with Garden Valley Christian Assembly and the new program they are starting up: Generation Interns. It will be very exciting to help pioneer a new leadership program. I am working with two of my heroes; Matthew and Sabrina Schlesinger. And as well Allen Hess from last years GL class. I am very expectant for a great year. I am also looking forward to reconnecting with my family! I have two Nieces Kaybie and Teaghan that I need to make up time with and as well as my dad, brothers, and sister in law.
Please keep me in your prayers. The transition is very hard for me. Leaving very good friends and reconnecting with old ones and as well as making new friends and finding my role in this new program. A lot of anxieties but I know that this is where God wants me to be and most of all this is where my heart is. Two physical prayer requests. I need a car and a laptop!!!
So I will keep you all informed as time gets closer and share my new adventures in Roseburg!


Jay & Michelle said...

boo:( I'm sad you're leaving. But I'm so excited at the same time! I can't wait to see what the Lord has for you and for how He is going to use you down there. Can you come over for dinner this week?

John and Julia said...

You need some pictures of yourself on here Laura! :o) We're sad your're laving too but know there are great things ahead of you! You just better keep your blog up-dated better since you won't be around here. I tagged you on my blog so go check it out!